In person, Pope Francis “looks exactly like he does in pictures,” said Evelyn Kohler, a member of Holy Redeemer Parish in Vancouver who met the Holy Father with a group of teenagers Oct. 12 in Rome.

“I got quite emotional, and I started tearing up,” said Kohler, one of a dozen teens on the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry’s new National Youth Advisory Council. The council is tasked with speaking for Catholic youth in the United States.

Evelyn Kohler, in the flowered dress, met Pope Francis Oct. 12 with other members of the a national youth advisory council. (Courtesy Jamie Kohler)

Nine of the council members made a pilgrimage to Rome that included a brief meeting with Pope Francis after his weekly general audience outside St. Peter’s Basilica. The youth met with the Holy Father for about five minutes and exchanged messages.

Kohler didn’t speak with Pope Francis. “It was so overwhelming I was in shock,” she said.

But members of the group told the pope that youth want to be seen and heard. “We feel like we need a safe place in the church where we can talk about what we believe in,” Kohler said.

Pope Francis sent them home with a message to share with teens in the U.S. — that youth shouldn’t lose their joy, and to find joy in everything, Kohler said.

They will share that message during the National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 10-12 in Long Beach, Calif. In addition, the advisory council will create digital campaigns, blogs, videos and witness reflections, working with local communities to make sure the pope’s message reaches more youth.

Formed last summer, the youth council is a diverse group of teenagers from across the county who have different cultural backgrounds, according to the youth ministry federation.

Evelyn Kohler, a member of Holy Redeemer Parish in Vancouver, prays in front of the tomb of St. Catherine of Siena during a pilgrimage to Rome as a member of a national youth advisory council. (Courtesy Jamie Kohler)

Evelyn was nominated for the council by her mother Jamie Kohler, youth ministry director at Holy Redeemer. “She’s grounded in self-knowledge and she’s a good candidate to speak on behalf of the youth,” Jamie Kohler said.

“I honestly didn’t think I would get on it,” said Evelyn, a student at Regina Caeli Academy. She plans to study theology online at Franciscan University of Steubenville and eventually become a NET Missionary.

At her parish, Evelyn has led small groups of sixth-grade girls and has been active in the youth group and summer programs.

“If there’s an event I’m able to attend, I’m there,” Evelyn said.

Everyone at the parish was excited that Evelyn got to meet Pope Francis, said her pastor, Father Thomas Nathe.  “Evelyn has grown up in the bosom of the church. She’s a very devout young woman,” he said.