Over the years, Northwest Catholic has asked readers what they do to build upon the three pillars of Lent — prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We’ve compiled some of their advice to inspire you this season. 


Fasting throughout Lent — not just on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.  

 • “Every temptation I have to grab a snack is a small reminder throughout the day to recommit myself to the Lord and to his mercy.” 

 • “Used the fasting time to really focus on the hungry and the poor.” 


Turning off social media, the radio or the TV and using the quiet for quality time with God.  

 • “I shut my car radio off, and any time I am in my car, I pray.” 


No gossip, no complaining. 

• I “offer up my troubles … to Jesus for the benefit of all life.” 

• I “give up something I feel called to stop doing anyway, like gossip or negative feelings, and replace the negative thoughts with reminders that God is in charge.” 


Adding a spiritual practice like adoration, daily Mass, the rosary or reading Scripture. 

 • Getting to daily Mass “keeps me focused on what Lent is all about.” 


Doing acts of kindness — praying for a friend and their intentions, buying a stranger’s coffee, serving a meal at a soup kitchen. 

 • “I choose 40 people … then each day of Lent is devoted to praying for one person.