Praying the Examen of St. Ignatius of Loyola opens us to the spiritual world. It heightens our consciousness so we can discern the authentic from the inauthentic in all our thoughts, words and deeds. It is St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises in miniature, and it opens us to live our life as a sacred story for the greater glory of God. 

Take 15 minutes for this exercise, no more and no less. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Bring with you any annoyances or strong emotional events from your day. Bring also your graces and inspirations.

At the beginning and end of the prayer time, in your imagination, see your whole life in God’s hands and say inwardly, while breathing slowly and deeply: “Creation, presence, memory, mercy and eternity.”

Proceed to pray through each of these words. Begin each word by offering the prayers at right. Then, with each breath, say interiorly, “Creation,” and ponder the graces and inspirations you seek. Focus on the meaning of the word, the Person you are addressing, the graces you seek and why you need those graces. Follow this method with the other words (presence, memory, mercy, eternity).

When you are finished, pray the Lord's Prayer.

Northwest Catholic — July/August 2021