Catholic education has been an integral part of my upbringing and personal development, shaping my values, beliefs and aspirations.

Having attended Christ the King School and then Bishop Blanchet High School, I have been immersed in the Catholic faith for most of my life, and it has profoundly influenced the way I approach challenges and opportunities. As I transition to the University of Washington, I am aware of the role I can play in spreading my faith and living out its principles in the broader community.

At Bishop Blanchet, I have not only received a quality education but also cultivated a deep connection to my Catholic faith through leading class retreats, lectoring at Masses and doing years of community service. This connection has provided me with a moral compass and a sense of purpose, guiding me toward a path of integrity, compassion and service to others.

My faith has been an abiding source of resilience and hope amid personal struggles: My father died when I was young, and when I was in eighth grade, my mother received a devastating diagnosis of cancer. Navigating rounds of chemotherapy added an immense challenge to our lives. As my mother’s health declined and the uncertainty of my future loomed, I found myself adrift, especially with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In those moments of confusion and fear, it seemed as though there was no guiding light; my mother, my rock, needed support. But my faith became the light. Because of prayer and the unwavering support of my parish community, I witnessed a remarkable outpouring of love and assistance. Parishioners’ generosity and kindness were unparalleled, providing both practical aid and emotional solace  in our darkest hours. With a relentless belief in God and a determination  to persevere, we found strength  amid adversity.

I am committed to carrying my Catholic education and faith with me beyond high school. I intend to remain engaged in my faith community, seeking opportunities to deepen my understanding of Catholic teachings and share the faith with others. I plan to participate and take a leadership role in a faith club at university. My hope is creating a supportive and inclusive environment where students can explore and grow in their faith.

I am also determined to continue serving my community and others. Whether volunteering at local shelters, participating in service trips or engaging in advocacy efforts for social justice, living out my faith means actively working toward a more just and compassionate society. By embodying the values of love, mercy and solidarity that are central to the Catholic tradition, I aim to be a source of peace and hope to all I encounter.

With God’s grace and guidance, I am confident that I will be able to live out my Catholic faith authentically and passionately in all aspects of my life.

Andre Laze is a graduating senior at Bishop Blanchet High School in Seattle and plans to study engineering at the University of Washington. He is a member of Christ the King Parish in Seattle.

This article appeared in the June/July 2024 issue of Northwest Catholic magazine. Read the rest of the issue here.